Tuesday, March 20, 2012


If Buddhist believe a gate can let the good in and keeps the bad out, the function of a wall is to keep things in or other things out. Maybe 30 years ago or more Taiwan was a poor country. Walls were there to separate and maintain. Some of the walls used for this are a bit jarring. And some of them are still around. The broken glass on the top of the wall sends a clear message.
Another standard is barbed wire, this one is in disrepair and just hasn't been removed yet.

This one still feels functional.
But this new shiny barbed wire keeps kids out of an amusement park if they haven't paid the entrance fee,  kind of takes the fun out of walking to the gate.
But gates can also be part of a message, here is the wall around a Catholic Chruch. Maybe the wrath of God helps protect the insides.
Walls can be friendly, like this one around an elementary school.
And walls covered with plants also feel much better.

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