Monday, March 26, 2012

Ely in Taipei

Ely didn't bring her computer to Taiwan, so she used Florence's and mine. She left behind some pictures of Taipei on my computer.

Taipei is a young people's town, with plenty of action all day and night long.

Any thing you can thing of eating, you can find in Taipei. Like Dunkin; doughnuts.
Traditional Chinese like Zhongzi.
And several thousand restaurants where you can order the dishes you like.
Night markets where you can hop from one small specialty stall to the next.
Or if you like to cook for yourself there are the daily markets where everything is fresh.


  1. What are the plastic packages tied with string? Mary

  2. The "packages" are glutenous rice wrapped in a banana or lotus leaf. The flavor of the leaf permeates the sticky rice. The rice will have meat, peanuts, egg yoke, red bean paste, ... lots of different flavorings. The leaves are ties with cotton string.
    Someday I'll do a dissection of a few and put the results in a blog entry. Thanks

    There lots of stories about their origins. I look for that too
