Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Protests in Taiwan

One of the big differences between Taiwan and China is that Taiwan has protests, China does not. In Taiwan, the FaLunGong(See the Wikipedia article) sets up at all the tourists sights. So when the tourists from China come to Taiwan they get to see what is banded in China.(China, this year became the largest tourist source to Taiwan, previously it was Japan.)
It is fun to watch these big tour buses arrive at a tourist sight like Tainan ChiKanLou or E101 in Taipei or Yeliu or ... and be greeting by displays of posters documenting the persecution of FaLunGong in Mainland China.
I think most Mainland Chinese are not comfortable hearing in Taiwan what their own government forbids in China. They are like "the frogs at the bottom of the well", they only see the world as their government allows them to see. When they come to Taiwan, they see a different world.

The FaLunGong sets up exercises so as to be seen from the tour buses.

Some times there is actually a chance for dialog between Taiwanese and Chinese.
Maybe tourism is the secret weapon that the Taiwanese government is using to undermind the authorities in Mainland China.

During  the "Occupy Wallstreet" times in NYC there were also occupiers in Taipei, at the E101 building.
They didn't gather too many followers and eventually left on their own. I doubt there were any occupiers in Beijing, ever.

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