Saturday, March 10, 2012

Taipei Bike Exhibition

Florence and I went to the the Taipei International Cycle Show at the Taipei World Trade Center. We regular ride our tandem bicycle in Seattle and we've rented tandems in Taiwan too. But when we got there, we found out that it was a trade show for manufacturers and their suppliers. Not really for riders. So we posed as a company(Mike Ess Programming) and got admitted.
Taiwan is big into bikes, in the past it might have been for export but now they is a homegrown contingent of bikers in Taiwan.
And all the foreign manufacturers were there.
Not just bikes but bike parts too.
There were the sexy Taiwan models showing how to ride a bike in a skimpy outfit, this was the most popular exhibit.
Some of the products looked good.
And even Florence thought she could ride this one.
And being in Taiwan, there were lots of LEDs.


  1. Is it any more dangerous to ride a bike in Taipei compared with Seattle? I enjoy riding a bike but am a bit afraid of what drivers may do to me on a bike. I am a deserted road kind of biker.

  2. I think it's dangerous to ride a bike on the streets of Taipei, but there are bike paths along the parkways.
