Friday, March 23, 2012

Best Breakfast in Taipei?

One of the nice things about having people visit, is that you go to places you don't normally go to. Many local tourist attractions, we save for when visitors come. So when Ely came to visit for 8 days, we went to a special breakfast place called "Hang Fu".
It is located on the second floor of the southwest corner of Linsen and Zhongxiao roads in Taipei. A lot of good places( bookstores, restaurants, ... ) are located not at the ground level but on the floors above. This is because store frontage is at such a premium. A sign on ground level will direct customers to the correct floor but if the sign is only in Chinese then foreigners miss out.
 This breakfast place is located above the yellow sign. Serves breakfast from maybe 6 to 12 but is closed on Monday.

What I liked about this place was that they were making shoubing and yutiao on site.
Another sign of a good restaurant is that there was a line for service.  Taiwanese are picky eaters, if they are willing to line up, then it must be good. The line moves pretty fast.
Another advantage is a large eating area where you can all sit around on table and share. This is the advantage of being on the second floor.
There are other breakfast places all over Taipei, but usually they work out of one store front with the kitchen(and the delicious smells) being part of their advertising but that means their seating area is in the back and probably too small.

1 comment:

  1. It's great seeing photos of you and Ely. You must be having fun with her.
