Sunday, March 18, 2012

Foreign Signs

Some signs from Taipei.

Maybe Tapas are taking over the world, but Taiwan small snacks( called xiao chi) have nothing to worry about.
"Mr Onion" is a French restaurant in Taipei and I know Charles de Gaulle had a large nose, but this pushes the stereotype.

This a sign for a shoe store that sells real leather shoes. The word for "cow" in Chinese is "niu" probably sounds like "neu" in "La Neu" with a French accent.

And Italian shoes are very good, it's clever how they have put high heels "sole to sole" to get the symbol for love.
The only "LaGuardia" I know is the airport in NYC, but there is a chain of sandwich shops through out Taiwan called "LaGuardia". Why? I don't know.

I know that:

1. Real men don't eat quiche.
2. Real programmers don't use Pascal.
3. Real computers support a C compiler.

But I'm not sure if real men could go to a boutique. Maybe in this metrosexual age maybe I'm wrong, probably.

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