Sunday, March 11, 2012

Taipei Bike Exhibition - Day 2

We went back to the Taipei International Bike Exhibit to do some more research for our company: Mike Ess Programming. (It's amazing what a business card will get you.)  There were some bike exhibit that we we missed. This bike company we saw in Japan: Fun-top.
Florence still does ride a bike and is always on the lookout for a possibility.  We saw this bike in action while in Kyoto:

The company actually just makes the front fork and is looking for a manufacturer to put together a complete bike. They have patented the front end.
That both wheels react to the turn of the handle bars makes it feel like riding an ordinary bike, but with a three point contact with the ground.

And we found more Taiwanese companies enhancing the riding experience with LEDs.

With our passes to also got into the TaiSPO, the Taiwan International Sporting Goods Show. It seemed to be most about exercise machines.
With again pretty Taiwanese models showing how the equipment should be used.
It all reminding me of the supercomputer trade shows I use to go to. Lots of time on your feet, bored waiting for a customer to show some interest. It was big, covering 2 exhibition halls.

I didn't realize how "international" it was until I came across this sign:

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