Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Moon Arch

With the older buildings in Taiwan, it is easy to spot which were built in the Japanese period. The Japanese period buildings usually all make use of the structural arch. Like the domes in this Japanese Governor's Mansion in Taipei.
Most buildings, built with Chinese influence, just use pillars and lentils like this arch.
Or a block design like this small gate in Taipei.
But there is one arch that is famous with Chinese architecture and that is the moon arch. Maybe 2000 years old, it started as a foot bridge over canals or water ways, it has to be high enough for the water traffic to pass.
Now it a decorative device.

Even used in railroad cars.
And in children's playgrounds.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you framed Florence in the arch. It is nice to see her smiling face again.
