Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Parking Tickets

There are no parking meters in Taipei or Tainan and probably none in all of Taiwan! But that doesn't mean parking is free. Installing meters would be havoc because then where would the motorcycles park? Anyway, there is a fleet of parking ticketers that issue tickets as they make their rounds. Whether you get a ticket is just a matter of luck or bad timing.

The ticket is pretty standard it just says when and where you were and how many times they saw you on their rounds.
Because of the Taipei weather sometimes they come in a plastic bag.
The tickets can be paided at any Seven-11 store, the penalty for not paying after 7 days is $300NT so about $10 US. Different streets different rates the first four hours might be without charge. The city of Taipei contracts out the ticketers and there is a set of tow trucks that remove the serious offenders. The ticketers use handheld computers so all the information is centralized.

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