Thursday, April 19, 2012

Warnings 1

Transportation in Taiwan is very convenient in Taipei, there is the ever expanding underground subway system, there is a fleet of public buses, taxis are cheap and the train system can take you out of Taipei.  There is no need to own a car. I remember, 20 years ago my brother-in-law said that owning a car was nothing, owning a parking spot meant you were really something. Parking a car and driving a car in Taipei is for those who can handle a high level of stress and like stress.

But there are certain rules for riding the MRT( subway) and the trains. Here we go.
No smoking, no eating, how about the NYC? The Taipei subways are dream compared to the chaos of the NYC system. In NYC, I have to steel myself for the jerks on the the subway system.
(I sometimes thing that a lot of foreigners in Taiwan live here because Taiwanese is very tolerate of smokers, where smokers are pariahs(and should be in the US), Taiwanese still accept this disgusting habit as a personal choice with no societal costs.)
Lots of instructions on how to use elevators, especially for the elderly. The subways have special seats for the disables, women with children, the elderly, ...
old fashioned but good.
Even concerned for long skirted women, wow it just makes you feel that some really cares about you.
"Mind the Gap", is now part of universally English.
On the RR system, I always like to see the double translations, they know who uses their systems and try to avoid problems before they happen.
I always get a kick out of the signs in Chinese that say "stop, look and listen",  I  use to think that was only an American phrase.

And on the MRT watch out for those guys that try for a free feel in the crowded car. Guys can be so low.

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