Friday, April 13, 2012

Ideas again

The folder on ideas is getting full, so here's a dump.

At the entrance to a museum this is a device for locking umbrellas. Each umbrella has a locker key. This museum is in Ilan on the Eastern coast of Taiwan where it has been known to rain everyday for 2 months straight.

 Some times a toilet plunger just doesn't have that extra umpf to clear the blockage. This one has that extra umpf.
 Cup holders are not only for cars, this bike has a cup holder for the casual(but comfortable) bike rider.
I don't know what was the reasoning behind covering planters with netting, but it looked cool. 
 Here a rotating light is attached to the rear wheel brace, the batteries are in a standard flashlight casing. Notice the solar cell panel on top for recharging.
 This mounts an umbrella to the handle bars, it rains a lot.
 Flooring from discarded tires.
 Small bike/trike.

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