Monday, April 9, 2012

City of Taipei Libraries

While alone in Taiwan I have lots of time to devise my own projects. One of my current projects is to visit all 56 branches of the Taipei City Library System. So far I have visited 15, so I have a ways to go. It's a good way to see more of Taipei, get some exercise and check out some good books.

 I know I could log on to the website and search the collection online but it's better to scan the book in your hand to see if it's worth reading. How many times have I ordered a book on line just to be disappointed after it is delivered(after being paid for?)  I always hated those librarians that directed me to the card catalog rather than just answered my questions.

Libraries in the Taipei system seem rarely to have their own building, they are usually in the upper floors of some office building. Usually the newer ones in the newer parts of Taipei are more modern but don't necessarily have better books. I think, unlike the Seattle Public Libraries, people go to the libraries for the books, not for the architecture of the library.

Each of the 56 branch libraries have their own specialty, so if you are interested in:

photography, comics, visually impaired, mass communication, housekeeping, Taiwanese history, Tea culture, scientific popularization, ...

there is a specific library for you.

How is the City of Taipei able to provide such a good library system with so many hours of operation? I think it is because(unlike the City of Minneapolis) the City of Taipei does not have a football team or a basketball team or a baseball team or a hockey team or a soccer team or a ... It's all a question of priorities.

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