Saturday, April 14, 2012

A little English goes a long way

It's always nice to see a little English, it goes a long way making me feel welcomes here in Taiwan. Like these signs:

 This place looked friendly.
I bet their seafood IS really good
I was thinking all kinds of gay thoughts, but this ad is for dentistry, are your teeth like his or hers?
Tea is serious business in Taiwan..
This is an institute for depressed people who want a more positive attitude(and are willing to pay for the experience). I've always been happy studying science.

This Child Care facility probably wouldn't accept childish grownups. Or flower children like me.
I saw this one and thought of that song: "Come a little bit closer, you're my kind of man ..." I'm sure they didn't have that song in mind.
I used to not know what they called people from Taipei, but now I know,  they are call "Taipeinians".

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