Sunday, April 22, 2012

German Food

I like German food especially the potatoes, cabbages and sausages. There are German restaurants in Taiwan so I had to try one. Going to Taiwan for German food is a lot like "Selling coals to Newcastle". Even though Taiwanese food is the best, I think everyone wants to try something new once in a while to make sure we're not missing something.

The food was ok but expensive. The beer was good but expensive. My recommendation is: "Don't go to Taiwan for German food." The resturant had the smallest BMW that I had ever seen right on the restaurant floor.

There is a famous store in Taiwan that sells German bread it is called Mr Mark.
This name goes back to the time when the German Mark was one of the most stable currencies in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of German Restaurants, the Seattle Times restaurant review column just featured a German restaurant in Ravenna. It doesn't have much for vegetarians, but would give you some great pork dishes.
