Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Recently, I feel my eyes are getting worse and worse. One of my teachers in Tainan said that Mulberry juice was good for eyes. So in Tainan I was drinking a glass of mulberry juice once a day. I hadn't found the juice while in Taipei until recently.
This is one of the road side vendors who set up in any vacant parking spot with good foot traffic. This one is at MinSheng and FuXing. 
The vendor sells these big flats of berries but it is more than a whole family could eat, so I asked for a smaller amount and she had a smaller flat in the back. She planned to show only the big flats but was prepared when people asked for a smaller amount. 
 The flat contains a variety, some are ripe(dark purple), some have a ways to go(red).
They look a lot like a raspberry, but the mulberry is a tree and the raspberry is a bush? 
For me the easiest way to get my does of mulberry juice is to use the concentrated juice and then diluted it with ice and water. It's sweet like plum juice but not as heavy. 
Everyone I've talked to in Taiwan, remembers raising silworms as a grade school child. Silkworms eat only mulberry leaves and the silk is extracted from the cocoons of the silkworms. Eli and I, in 1999 went to a silk factory in China(FuZhuo) and actually saw them extracting silk from the cocoons.

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