Thursday, April 26, 2012


Accidents will happen, but when you drive like a maniac they happen more often. In Taipei, we have those who have take the words "time is money" too much to heart and drive like they are making a million dollars a second.

For me, the constant pedestrian, it's easy to come upon the remnants of an accident.

Usually the motorcycle sits on the sidewalk for days as I assume the rider and his family are now occupied at the hospital(maniac driving seems to be a male characteristic).

Sometimes I come across an accident that hasn't been cleared yet. (In the motorcycle/othervehicle accident the motorcycle always takes the brunt.)
But there are also cases of car on car violence. Nobody seems to use the rear view mirror let alone turning your head to seen who is behind you.
From our apartment on the 13th floor we hear( an take pictures ) of accident at highway speeds.
Whatever this car hit, I think the car took the worst.

All of these pictures happened in the last 4 months, either I'm walking a-hell-of- a-lot or there are a-hell-of-a-lot of accidents in Taipei. I really don't care if someone wants to kill themselves driving like a maniac, but what gets me is parents using their kids as airbags.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are enough to convince me to walk or use mass transit. Larry and I are driving less and less these days. It is less stressful to just leave the car in the garage!
