Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Feet

Once I started thinking about foot massage in Taipei, I seem to see foot massage everywhere I went.


 Let's get this out of my system so I can move on.

This a electronic device for stimulating the bottom of your foot for the part of your body that needs stimulating. Wow what parts of the bottom of the foot correspond to the sexual parts. Definitely needs more research.
These sandals have high toes and low heels, like high heels in reverse. Must be healthy because they will definitely NOT be sexy. Like Birkenstock but in a Japanese sandal format.

Selective stimulation of the foot bottom.

 A merging of the foot diagram and the hand diagram, looks professional, but has no meaning.

 I always like the ones that have English translations.
Here the entrance is a blank space waiting for a purpose.

 No names associated with areas, just pretty colors.
 I'm mystified by the asymmetry of the foot.
I think once foot massage was popular there are lots of marketing efforts to capitalize.

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