Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Three Wheelers

The number of three wheel motorcycles in Taipei seem more than what I saw in Tainan. Taipei has more that 3 times the population of Tainan and with many more high rises the density is much higher than in Tainan. Collecting recyclables and junk is what they can do well. With the engine, they can haul heavier loads than the trikes.
Most of the time they are powered by a motorcycle engine.
But sometimes with a small car engine.
They can be used as a mobile food booth.
But hauling junk is probably number 1. One way to prepare for Chinese New Year is to throw out junk, so the three wheelers have been busy.
These vehicles move slower than the rest of Taipei traffic so they get lots of honks and dirty looks. It's a tough job, I rarely see them smile.
Once in a while, I see that they off load to bigger trucks. They are feeders.

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