Friday, January 6, 2012

Our Apartment

For Florence and me, this time in Taiwan is different, we have our own apartment. In the past two times, I stayed in a dorm room at Cheng Kung University in Tainan and Florence moved from one relative's home to the next. It was all good but having a place of your own is just so much better.

This time we've rented an apartment in central Taipei for 6 months. It's a two bedroom place with a kitchen, bathroom and living room. In the future, I'll make a movie of the apartment but for now here are some still shots.

From kitchen to living room, from the 13th floor we have a good view of Taipei.
From living room to kitchen, the gas stove burners are better than what Florence has in Seattle. In Taiwan the daily market supplies fresh everything, we are eating better that in Seattle.
Living room, where we had a New Year Eve's party of more than 20 people. We borrowed some chairs from the apartment complex.
Bedroom, no heating just airconditioning that we haven't had to use. Strangely, though the outside reaches 10 degrees C(50 degrees F) the apartment is usually 20-22 degrees C(68-73 degrees F). 10 degrees C is cold for Taiwan.
Second bedroom as computer room/study. We have internet and cable TV but have been too busy to check out much of the cable TV stations.
Bathroom, shower no bath, (who takes baths anymore?)
It's simple but enough for 2 simple people.

1 comment:

  1. So much room compared to your dorm! I'm glad that you have a nice place to stay. Florence must be cooking some phenomenal meals. I think of you both on Sunday nights.
