Thursday, January 5, 2012

Good ideas - Bikes

Although traffic in Taipei seems dominated by cars and scooters, there are still lots of bikes on the road here are some.

This tricycle is selling drinks, parking is always a problem so this is like a ice cream truck for small spaces.

And what is this?

It's a bicycle with a mount for an umbrella, so you can keep both hands on the handle bars when it's raining. Like hands free cell phoning in a car. I often see scooter riders talking on their cell phone, they jam the phone between their ear and helmet and keep two hands on the handle bars.

We say this bike in Kyoto, it looks really stable, even Florence thought she could give this one a try.

It's good to have a windshield on your scooter, but what if it rains? Here's a scooter with a windshield, that also has a wind shield wiper.
And this tricycle with an animal carrier has to be pretty stable, but this one is always parked outside of a Pet Hospital so maybe it's really a Pet ambulance.


  1. It looks like bicycles are an important form of transportation. Will you be getting bikes? I've never seen a bike with double front wheels. Interesting! Tucson is a big bicycle town. We always see people racing by on the road by our development. The weather certainly is favorable for riding. My only concern is safety. I drive our car with extra caution myself looking out for senior drivers and have had some close calls. I wonder how safe it would be on a bike.

  2. Riding a bike is dangerous in Taipei. Bikes fear the scooters. Scooters fear the cars. Better to just take it easy and be a pedestrian and use the subway.
