Monday, January 2, 2012

LEDs in Taiwan

Taiwan is the largest makers of LEDs(Light Emitting Diodes) in the world.(Japan is number 2 and South Korea is number 3).I would guess that North Korea is tied with alot of other countries for last place.

This past month Taiwan passed a milestone, all stoplights in Taiwan have replaced the incandescent bulbs with LEDs.The Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs says the 696,700 incandescent bulbs are now replaced with LEDs. This makes Taiwan the second country(Singapore was first) to switch to the more efficient LEDs.

(In backwards America, Michelle Bachmann is fighting for the inefficient incandescent lights, the Republican party stands for being as stupid as you want to be.)

LEDS are used for traffic notices:
Even simple traffic signs:

Taiwan is now going to replace the mercury vapor bulb street lights with LEDs.
 This is all part of Taiwan plans to reduce it's carbon emissions and reduce fossil fuel energy dependence. LEDs consume at least 85% less energy than the incandescent bulbs.

But LEDs and be pretty too as in this movie. Taipei is full of these signage using LEDs.

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