Friday, January 27, 2012


My mode of blogging is to set up folders for pictures, when I get about 6 pictures on the same subject(in the same folder) then it's time to do a blog entry about that subject. But some pictures are one of a kind, so I group them together for an eclectic(SAT word) blog entry. Here goes.

As a city grows some of the original streets are not wide enough. To widen the street, the trees along the original street need to be cut down. Or not. Here we have a street widened but the tree remains.

The new asphalt just covers the ground around the trunk. Not only does the original tree survive but also an original light post.
Given that they only interfer with the parking, it was a good decision to let them be.

Here we have a nonfunctional water pump in front of a traditional Taiwanese restaurant. I think it is used as a prop to invoke the images of the "good old days" like mom's home cooking.

It must conjure up a lot of old memories from when the village moved from a well to a hand pump.
Now with every house having a faucet and maybe even hot running water it seems like so far in the past.

Why is the top of this fire hydrant so big? Is it to protect the hydrant? Or to damage the cars. I just don't see the point.
Lots of people put art up on the web, I don't think I need to do that. But here is a object 'd art made from obsolete computer motherboards. Of course it is in the Guang Hua district, the computer/electronic district.
I still can't figure out this one. It is a bunch of Taiwan beer cans string on rope and hanging in the wind in front of a betting parlor. Maybe someone lost a bet.

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