Thursday, January 26, 2012

Specialty three wheelers, handicapped

Before the polio vaccines of the 1950s, polio struck world wide and Taiwan was no exception. As Taiwan adapted motorcycles as the most common form of transportation, adjustments were made so that the handicapped could also use a modified motorcycle. Some motorcycles were fitted out with 2 industrial size "training wheels". Here is a modern version.
You had to get a doctor's permission to drive one of these. They have brackets on the side for storing the crutches.
Even those restricted to a wheelchair can drive their own modified scooter.

The ramp in the back lowers for the wheel chair and all the controls are on the handle bars.


  1. Interesting! What is the ratio of motorcycles to bikes with pedals? I notice many more bicycles in Tucson compared to motorcycles. I'm just curious.

  2. I guess that in Taipei the ratio is 20 motorcycles per pedal bike maybe more. School aged children can not legally ride a motorcycles, so before and after classes the students are on the road with their bikes. Luckily the school starts and ends before the AM/PM rush hours begin.
