Sunday, January 8, 2012

Taipei 101

One of the big benefits of our current apartment is that on the 13th floor we can see Taipei 101. Taipei 101 is the tall skyscraper in eastern Taipei(we live in western Taipei) we can see it out our living room window on a clear day. From 2004 to 2010 it was the tallest building in the world, with 101 stories.

At night, close up, it is impressive with it's light reaching up in the sky.
And for a street walker like myself, it is a landmark(on a clear day).In the western part of Taipei, the Shin Guan building is almost as tall and a similar landmark. From northern Taipei, looking to the East you see Taipei 100, looking to the West you see Shin Guan. On a clear day it's hard to get lost. Too bad so many days are cloudy, misty, raining, overcast, ...

But we were optimistic that on New Year's eve we would have a clear view of Taipei 101 from our apartment. There is always spectacular fireworks show from Taipei 101 on both Eastern and Western New Year's. The weather was a little overcast that night and we were farther away than we had thought.
But the party we invited everyone to was a lot of fun anyway.

1 comment:

  1. You always have fun parties for fireworks! I'm glad that we can at least join you for the 4th of July.
