Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Taipei is a city of 2.7 million people, anything you what to find you can find in Taipei. Taipei has a big electronics district, most of it is directed to selling consumer electronics.

This building has 3 floors of shops, Acer, Asus, Lenovo, HP, ... they are all there. But for me the more exciting part is the DIY(Do It Yourself) shops. These are hobby electronic shops. In the Seattle area there is one such shop, the prices are double the web price and they don't carry every thing. In the GuangHua district there are 5 shops, they sell at the web price without the hassle and delay of ordering on line. There is one shop at ground level in the GuangHua district.
The other shops are in the 2 underground floors, if you couldn't read Chinese you might miss them.
While in Taiwan, I finished an electronics project because I could just walk down to the shop and buy what I needed. If it was all through the web it wouldn't happen.

Given the LED craziness in Taiwan, you could expect GuangHua to do a good job.
Even GuangHua has some art made from discarded motherboards.

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