Wednesday, May 2, 2012


According to the Chinese zodiac calendar this is the year of the dragon. There is a Chinese saying that every boy child will become a dragon and every girl child a phoenix. Basically all of the hopes for the future are placed on the children.

Being an auspicious year, Taiwan is having a population boomlet this year. Many couples think that this is the year to have a child as the Chinese calendar is favorable. (The bumblet will result in excess competitive, fewer resources, all the reason not to have a child ... ) 

Anyway, dragons are everywhere this year.

Dragons from recycled plastic bottles.

Dragons on beer from Mainland China, I tested this beer and as might be expected it is not as good as Taiwan beer.
Dragons that were part of the Lantern festival.
Dragons on old buildings.
And hybrid dragons that are dragon-dinosaur-spacemonsters.


  1. Love those dragons! Have you heard about the HBO show, "Game of Thrones"? One of the characters is a mother of dragons and has some cute baby dragons. You'd probably like the show.

  2. I haven't watched TV in 4 months, we get CNN, BBC, National Geographic. Discovery, Travel Channel and Taiwanese stations
