Monday, May 7, 2012


It is very easy to get around in Taipei, because there is so much English is in use. Besides a Starbucks(or equivalent) on almost every other corner, there is almost a 7/eleven(or equivalent) on every corner. Some of them also have restrooms, WiFi, ATM and eating areas.
They are are open 24/7.

Finding places in Taipei with an address is also pretty easy, the first place to look is the maps at each subway station, they are the most accurate map once you get that close to you destination. (The subways also have public restroom).
You have to be a little careful getting your bearings while in the subway system. Not always is the top of the map North. A man with a map is never lost( I'm not sure about women.)

The street addresses in Taipei are not specified as points on a grid, they are more like leaves on a tree. A major street is divided into N and S and sections in both directions. The higher the section, the farther from the center of the city. Each section has addresses numbered from 1 to maybe 500 before another section starts. Even numbers on one side of the street, odd numbers on the other. But smaller roads that intersect the major street are called 'lanes' and the number of the lane is the number as if an address was at that position. Smaller roads off of a lane are called 'alleys'. Numbers of the alleys follows the same convention as lanes.

Here is an address off a major street, it not only gives the road(松江路) but also the district(中山區) in Taipei
Here is marker for a lane(#125) off a main road, Wen Hua Road, Section 2,
The address signs show all of the address to reach this place.
This sign says:
Ban Qiao District板橋區
Wen Hua Street, Section 2文化路二段
House Number 131
Apartments 1, 2 and 3之.1,2 and 3

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