Monday, May 21, 2012


The neighborhood to the south of our apartment is one of the oldest parts of Taipei. It has narrow roads with lots of small bars and small hotels. It is a very popular place for Japanese(men) tourists. From what I've seen of Japan, it is a very clean, orderly place and so the chaos of Taiwan is attractive to them. We all travel to see something different, otherwise what's the point of travelling?

Here are some of the bar signs from that neighborhood. This is typical venue.

Somehow "piano bar" has some significance but I don't know what it means.

Similarly I don't think, Jazz is exactly the music played.
But some of them use English for the come on.

Each bar tries to attract a specific clientele,
Golf is expensive so they would be a good clientele,

Golf Bar here.

(I saw a bar which was a "Golf Bar", but I can't find it now.)

Even the gay bar is represented.

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