Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Geometric Designs in Kyoto

Whether Kyoto is a tourist city, an ancient Imperial capital or just Japanese there were geometric designs everywhere. They just struck me as being so different from the utilitarian usages in US cities. Here are some that struck me enough to warrant a picture.

The Buddhist and Shinto Temples have their ornaments on the outside and images on the inside. 

 At one Shinto temple there was this cone of sand about four feet high. How they did it was a mystery to me.
Even the fast food outlets use a geometric design.
The ceiling light at the Daimaichi House was also gracefully designed.
There was also a use of random layout to effect a global effect,here is the inside of a rice bowl made with about a thousand chrysanthemums. It takes a second look to see beyond the global picture.

And the base of this Buddhist Altar has an effect like a Seurat painting.

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