Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daimaichi House 2

I was so impressed with the Daimaichi House in Kyoto that I have more pictures to show.

The Daimaichi House is located along a narrow row, from the address alone you could never find it, a map with the location marked is necessary. Like many old cities built before the automobile the roads are very narrow, usually wide enough for a cart or maybe a horse drawn wagon.
The small Japanese trucks can negotiate this lane but the standard American size car could never pass. There were specific days for garbage, recyclables and combustibles for pickup. The lanes had no space for dumpsters or garbage cans etc. So on the pickup day the residents put out the items at specific wide spots in the lane. A net is used to keep the cats, dogs and crows away.
The bedrooms weren't heated but the beds(tatamis) were warm with heavy comforters and blankets.
Where bathtubs have fallen out of favor in the US, replaced with showers, in Japan the bathtub never went away. I think they conserve the hot water that way.
There was a room up on the second floor that seemed to have no purpose except as a second bedroom. I don't know what it was for, maybe the tea ceremony.


  1. I reserved the place from this link:

  2. Correction of the link:
